MHAS Children's Single Point of Access

Children's Single Point of Access (SPOA)
for certain specialized intensive services

As part of its 2000-2001 New Initiatives, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) has mandated that county mental health administration directly oversee and manage the access to certain Medicaid funded intensive services.  These services include Intensive Case Management (ICM), Supportive Case Management (SCM), Home and Community Based Waiver, Family Based Treatment, and adult residential services.  Each county is required to maintain Single Point of Access Committees that review all referrals and manage access to these services.  Clinton County has two SPOA committees, one for children and one for adults.

Making a referral

To make a referral to a service overseen by a SPOA committee, you must complete a referral form and send it to the appropriate coordinator as explained below.

Children's SPOA

The Children's SPOA committee oversees referrals to the Child and Family Respite Program, Intensive Case Management, Home and Community Based Waiver Services, Family Based Treatment, Community Residence and Residential Treatment Facility.  Clients referred to these programs must be under the age of 18.  Below, you can download a universal referral form and instructions for where to send it.  Both Microsoft Word and PDF versions of each document are provided.

Children's SPOA Application Part 1
Children's SPOA Application Part 1B
Children's SPOA Application Part 2


For further information, contact

SPOA Coordinator
Clinton County Mental Health & Addiction Services
130 Arizona Ave, Suite 1500 
Plattsburgh, NY 12903
Tel.  518-565-4060
Fax 518-566-0168 