"It is the mission of the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office to promote safety and quality of life in Clinton County by providing service with pride and commitment to excellence in partnership with our community”.
The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office has three primary components:
The Civil division of the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the service of all civil matters in Clinton County, including but not limited to civil orders issued by all courts, property evictions, seizure of weapons and orders of protection.
The thirty member Law Enforcement division of the Sheriff’s Office covers approximately 1,187 square miles of jurisdiction including 79 miles of shoreline and 34 miles on international border with Canada. Some of the functions include service of civil documents, maintaining the sex offender registry, enforcing Federal, State and local laws and acting as a conservator of the peace for the general public.
There are members assigned to narcotics task force investigations which have led to hundreds of arrests for various drug related charges, the seizure of millions of dollars in drugs and cash. The Sheriff’s Office receives a percentage of the cash and assets seized which helps enhance our law enforcement efforts at no additional expense to the tax payers of Clinton County. During the summer months, deputies are assigned to marine patrol on Lake Champlain, Chazy and Chateaugay Lake. The marine patrol efforts help provide for a safe and pleasurable experience for residents and guest to the largest tourist attraction in Clinton County. Marine officers provide safety inspections, investigate navigation complaints, engage in search and rescue operations, safeguard marine events such as Regattas and international fishing tournaments. Clinton County Sheriff's Office if the lead agency of the Tri-County Special Response Team and has several team members from Patrol and Corrections assigned. Additionally, members of patrol receive CIT (Crisis Intervention Training) and work closely with Crisis Response Teams as well offers LEMHRs (Law Enforcement Mental Health Referral) to Clinton County Mental Health to divert those in need of psychological assistance and not necessarily law enforcement assistance.
The Corrections division of the Sheriff’s office is the largest component consisting of 96 correction officers including the Captain who is the Jail Administrator, two Lieutenants, nine Sergeants and eighty four Corrections officers. With the completion of our two year construction and renovation project in July 2006, our new facility capacity is 300 inmates. In 2016 the jails average daily inmate population was 210. As many as 78 inmates per day were boarded in from other governments, generating over one and one half million dollars to offset the county expense in July 2016. There are a wide range of inmates incarcerated in the Clinton County Jail ranging from charges of traffic violation to murder. In 2016 correction officers conducted 1,067 court transports moving 3,607 inmates throughout Clinton County and New York State. The facility kitchen staff served 237,430 meals during 2016. The Clinton County Correctional Facility as all correctional facilities in New York State operates under the mandates of the New York State Commission of Corrections.