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Clinton County, located in northern upstate New York, is uniquely situated directly between Montreal and New York City. Clinton County has access to rail, I-87, port access, and international flights with U.S. Customs access. Clinton County is home to growing industries, particularly with regard to transportation manufacturing, but is also home to the scenic Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains. Clinton County is the key to economic growth, the key place to live and play, and the key to your business needs!

The Clinton County Office of Economic Development works with our community partners to grow our economy to create employment opportunities and jobs for all. We stand with our business community by promoting and supporting commerce and industry. Under the guidance of county Administrator Michael Zurlo, the Economic Development Office works to attract, retain and expand commercial and industrial tax bases. Please feel free to contact us so we can assist you and your business; our door is always open!
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