Home Delivered Meals

The Office for the Aging Nutrition Program provides meals to help seniors remain independent in their homes while maintaining good nutrition. Meal Transporters deliver the meals Monday through Friday (except Holidays) to people residing Clinton County. Frozen meals are available for weekends and holidays.
All programs are made possible by funding through the New York State Office for the Aging and the Clinton County Office for the Aging.
Who is eligible?
Meals are available to senior 60 years of age or older who meet New York State Office for the Aging eligibility requirements.
What do we do to get meals started?
A referral may be made by a senior, their friend, neighbor, hospital, social worker or the Office for the Aging and ask to make a referral to the Nutrition Program.
A staff member will contact the senior to talk about meals and any other needs. If there is an opening on the meal route, a home visit is scheduled to complete the assessment and meals may be started. If there are no openings at the time of the referral, the senior is placed on a waiting list, or a frozen meals may be offered. As soon as an opening is available, the assessment is completed and meals may be started.
What if meals are needed immediately?
There may be instances where meals are needed immediately or on a short term basis. Such as: a senior is discharged from the hospital and needs meals during recovery. For this and other similar circumstances, we may provide up to 10 hot or frozen meals.
What is the cost?
There is no charge for our meals. However, donations are accepted to help expand our program. The suggested donation is $3.00 per day for both hot and frozen meals.
Donations can be mailed directly to:
Nutrition Program
45 Veterans Lane
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
(Make checks payable to “Nutrition Program”)
What if I have to cancel the meal delivery?
Call (518) 561-8320

Clinton County Office for the Aging