Six Weeks of Employment Experience for Teens

SWEET 2025

(Six Weeks of Employment Experience for Teens)
DSS/Employment and Assistance • 13 Durkee Street • Plattsburgh, NY 12901 • (518) 565-3299

SWEET is a six week employment-based program for youth. The 2025 program runs from July 14, 2025 through August 22, 2025. Participants will work up to 30 hours per week at local schools and businesses and earn $16.00 per hour.

*** There will be a limited number of interviews scheduled for this summer’s program. Not every student will call early enough for an interview. It is very important to call as soon as possible. Don’t Delay!

Eligibility Guidelines:

  • Resident of Clinton County
  • Age 14 – 20 (youth must be at least 14 on or before May 26, 2025)
  • Must meet income guidelines
  • Required to attend a three-day Orientation from July 9th - July 11th 

Income Eligibility 200% of Poverty:

Family Size Total Income
2 42,300
3 53,300
4 64,300
5 75,300
6 86,300

Please Note:
In locations where there are many eligible SWEET candidates, the number of participating youth per family, and the number of years that a youth has participated in SWEET, may be considered when making final selections.

Application Instructions:

  • Call DSS Employment and Assistance Unit  (518) 565-3299 (8am – 4pm) to set up your interview
    • The available dates are shown below between 3:30 pm to 5:45 pm
    • Interviews will last approximately 15 minutes each
  • Complete a TANF Application and the following online form
    • Click here to open the TANF Application
    • Download the application to your device
    • Open the application saved to your device
    • Fill out the application
    • Save the completed application to your device
    • Upload the completed TANF application below
  • Check your application for errors, missing information, or missing signatures
  • Apply for and obtain a Work Card from your school if you are younger than 18
  • If you are 18 or over bring in a picture ID like a permit, license, passport or school ID
  • Obtain a copy of your Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate or Alien Reg. Card
  • Obtain a copy of your signed Social Security card – cards must be signed.
  • Bring your completed application to the interview (with required signatures dated after May 10th). Don’t forget your Work Card, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate and Picture ID (if over 18)

Appointments will be scheduled on
May 13th, 14th, 20th & 21st
from 3:30 pm to 5:45 pm.
Call early!


One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

General Information and Self Assessment for SWEET

Current Age


In School?
If enrolled in secondary school, please select your current grade level
What school district are you attending?
Do you have any of the following?

How can you get to a job?

If a job is not available in your area, how far can you travel to a job in miles?
Additional Information

Please check all that apply:

Work Experience
Have you participated in a Summer Youth Employment Program before?
List all employers and work history below:

Skills and Interests

List skills and abilities that you have used in jobs, for example, construction skills; or skills and abilities that you have learned, for example the ability to type or fix motors. List any and all computer and technology skills, babysitting, etc.

What do you do in your spare time (hobbies, sports, clubs, etc.)?
Check any settings that you would like to work in: (check all that apply)
Do you prefer to work: (check all that apply)

Medical/Information Release Form


Please input in (XXX) XXX-XXXX format.

Person(s) to be notified in case of an emergency:

Please input in (XXX) XXX-XXXX format.

Please input in (XXX) XXX-XXXX format.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Student Signature (18 yr. +)


The above named employee is a participant in SWEET and is covered under OneWorkSource’s plan for Workers’ Compensation. All billings and paperwork should be forwarded to:

Kathy Bishop
DSS/Employment & Assistance Unit
13 Durkee Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12903
Tel (518) 565-3299
Fax (518) 565-3452