Jacques (Lafoy) La Framboise

Jacques was the son of Jean La Framboise and settled in Chazy with his family. After leaving Chazy with the rest of the families he joined the First Canadian Regiment under Colonel Livingston. In the winter of 1777, Jacques La Framboise deserted along with three other rebels and joined an Englishman, traveling to Canada, named Philip Williams. While in Canada, Jacques gave American military information to the British.

La Framboise was not the only American to desert and pledge loyalty to the British Crown. In fact, after leading the Americans to victory in more than one important battle, Benedict Arnold also deserted. The historic marker below stands in Chazy to commemorate the location and work of Arnold's fleet as they prepared for the Battle of Valcour. 


A Chazy, NY, historic marker that indicates Benedict Arnold and his fleet stayed opposite Chazy for 14 days in September 1776 to prepare for and plan strategy for the Battle of Valcour.
Chazy, NY, historic marker. Photo by Anastasia L. Pratt.