**Please note that we currently require an appointment to see our Service Officers **
*Appointments are not needed to pick up a copy of a DD 214, drop off paperwork, or to do a Property Tax Exemption*
The Clinton County Veterans Service Agency, along with the New York State Division of Veterans Services, provides unsurpassed personalized service to veterans and their dependents. There is no comparable advocacy service for that special group of New York citizens. All services are provided without charge, and strictly controlled confidentiality is maintained under penalty of law. Counselors are required to be knowledgeable in federal, state, and local laws pertaining to veterans. Assistance in the following areas is provided to thousands of veterans, military personnel, and their dependents year after year:
- Compensation claims for service-connected disabilities
- Pension for non-service connected disabilities
- Aid and Attendance claims for veterans with re-occuring medical expenses
- Benefits for family members of a deceased service-connected veteran
- Burial benefits for veterans
- Federal grave markers
- Veterans Group Life Insurance applications for those eligible
- Education and Vocational Rehabilitation
- Applying for VA Home Loan Certificate of Eligibility
- Employment and re-employment
- Real property tax exemption for veterans or un-remarried surviving spouses
- VA Healthcare and Community Care for referrals outside of the the VA network
- Military records corrections and military medals or awards
- NYS Blind Annuity applications
- DAV Van transportation service to the Stratton Albany Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- Assisting homeless veterans with housing
- Applications for the Veterans Feeding Veterans Program from JCEO
Within the limits of their resources, the Clinton County Veterans Service Agency continues to provide innovative services and programs to meet the new and expanding requirements of our aging veteran population, and those veterans returning from recent wars with new and sometimes unknown disabilities. We will hold fast to our commitment.