Voter Enrollment

Clinton County Polling Places


This page has information for registered voters on where to vote in Clinton County, NY.

In order for your vote to count in a primary election, you must be a registered voter in Clinton County enrolled in one of the recognized parties (i.e., Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Working Families), and there must be a primary election in the party in which you are enrolled.

If you are not a registered voter,  you can find information on how to register by clicking on this link.

Clinton County Active Voter Enrollment as of July 3rd 2024
Democrat 16,709
Republican 15,397
Conservative 572
Working Family 252
Blank/No Party/Other
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Updated 08/19/2024
Note: This information is as per Board of Elections records only.  State, County, City and Town Clerk certification is required to authenticate the running of any election in Clinton County. Elected officials up for reelection are shown in bold.